Our work groups are what make us the GRI:

The GRI Noyo Headlands working group is fighting for the future of Fort Bragg and our North Coast bioregion. The health and well-being of our coastal community is threatened by the corrupt and illegal behavior of Corporate America. Our beautiful coastal headlands remain contaminated by the toxins left behind by KOCH Industries. The marine environment, so crucial to a sustainable future, will be dangerously impacted if these corporate criminals are allowed to get away with an inadequate clean-up. Join our effort to fight for a prosperous and brilliant future. Corporate greed and the climate crisis are formidable challenges. Together we will determine the outcome.
The Headlands Eradication and Restoration Team (HEART) meets every Wednesday on the Mendocino Headlands to get our hands dirty removing invasive plant species and helping to restore the headlands ecology.

The Climate Crisis WorkGroup is focused on making changes in Mendocino County that reduce the county's carbon footprint. The group meets every other Saturday morning at 10 AM. Contact GRI if you are interested in coming to a meeting.
Led by innkeeper Ken Taylor, the Water WorkGroup meets at Joshua Grindle Inn and other locations where they host workshops on water conservation, grey water, rainwater catchment and catch basins. The Group is just starting to build to a place where we have significant impact on the water issues on the Mendocino coast. Everyone is welcome. We are all learning. There is a lot to do in logistics, grant writing, education, marketing, and community organizing. There is a special need for volunteers with plumbing, trenching, and irrigation knowledge.

Local politics are important, and they cease to function when there are inadequate candidates. In 2020 there were not enough candidates for Fort Bragg City Council to even hold an election! GRI recognizes this as a crucial issue and is working to find potential candidates and encourage democratic institutions at the local level.
Community land trusts can be a vital tool for encouraging community land use. Our working group is exploring different routes to bring these into being in our county.

We are currently working to promote public participation in the various Local Coastal Program projects beginning in our county. The LCP will have massive implications for our coasts, and for our readiness for climate change.